10 Oblique Exercises Without Equipment

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Working out does not necessarily require a big investment. With these exercises, you can work out your obliques without any equipment.

It is true that some workout plans demand that you spend large amounts of money on things like equipment or gym subscriptions. Even so, there are inexpensive and free ways to work out muscles like your obliques too.

While not an absolute must it may be smart to invest in something like a yoga mat anyway if you do not have a soft surface available. Doing these oblique exercises on a hard surface can be uncomfortable in the best case and lead to injuries in the worst case.

There are many oblique exercises available but that does not mean you should all do them in one training. When trying to build your obliques you want to break down your muscles with one of these exercises and then give your body time and nutrients to repair and improve these muscles.

Keep in mind that implementing these exercises can offer benefits but like any exercise, there is always some risk of injury. Especially if you have a sensitive lower back you want to be careful when doing these no-equipment oblique exercises and implement a good technique. When in doubt talk to an expert.

1. Kneeling Russian twists

Besides your obliques, this next exercise also engages other core muscles like your abs. To do a kneeling Russian twist take the following steps:

  1. Sit on your knees with your hands against your chest or extended out. Tilt your upper body backward until comfortable and at an angle where you can still do the rest of the exercise.
  2. Slightly twist your upper body to one side and then the other.
  3. Return to starting position.

Similar to the regular Russian twist, make sure you don’t twist too far and keep your back straight to avoid any injuries. Even with the right technique kneeling Russian twists are not for everyone. If you have any back, neck, or shoulder issues you likely want to pass on this exercise.

2. Side plank dips

To do a side plank dip take the following steps:

  1. Sit sideways on the ground leaning on one of your lower arms with the upper arm of that arm vertical to support your upper body.
  2. Walk away from your upper body with your feet until you can put your body in a straight side plank.
  3. Move your hips as far down as comfortable.
  4. Move your hips as far up as comfortable.
  5. Return your body into the position of step 2 in a controlled motion.
  6. Repeat the same number of repetitions while leaning on your other arm.

If the ground stops you from bending down further you can consider doing side plank dips with your arm on an elevated object like for example a weight bench.

How to do a side plank dip

3. Bicycle crunches

This next exercise requires slightly more coordination. To do two repetitions of bicycle crunches take the following steps:

  1. Lie down on your back with a 90-degree angle in both your hips and knees. Hold your hands against the side of your head with your elbows pointing sideways.
  2. Raise your shoulders and push your lower back against the ground with the help of your ab muscles.
  3. Slightly turn your upper body to one side and reach with your elbow to the knee of the opposite side (for example your left elbow to your right knee) while stretching the leg of the side of the elbow you use while still keeping it off the ground (continuing the example stretching your left leg).
  4. Bring the stretched leg back into the starting position and repeat with the other side. Keep your shoulders off the ground during the exercise.

For a good oblique workout keep your movements slow and controlled. If you don’t feel your obliques and abs fatiguing your bicycle crunch technique can likely use some improvement.

How to do a bicycle crunch

4. Plank knee to elbows

To do a plank knee to elbow take the following steps:

  1. Start with your face facing the floor on your elbows and knees.
  2. Move your feet back until your body is in a straight line. This means that your knees will be off the ground and that you are resting on your feet and elbows.
  3. Move the knee of one leg to the elbow of the opposite side as far as you comfortably can. Keep your back straight throughout the movement.
  4. Return that leg to the position in step 2 in a controlled motion.
  5. Repeat the same movement with your other leg.

On top of your obliques, plank knee to elbows will also engage your ab muscles to some extent.

5. Lying opposite toe reaches

The lying opposite toe reach is a simple yet powerful exercise to engage your oblique muscles at home without necessarily any equipment. To do a lying opposite toe reach take the following steps.

  1. Start lying down on your back with your legs stretched and right next to each other on the ground. Your arms start resting on the ground at your sides for balance.
  2. Keep your legs more or less stretched while you move up your feet slowly until your legs make a right angle with the ground.
  3. Stretch out your arms towards your feet and use your core muscles to reach with one hand to your foot on the opposite side as far as comfortable.
  4. Lower your body again in a controlled motion.
  5. Reach with your other hand to the opposite foot.
  6. Lower your body again in a controlled motion.

While you don’t need equipment for the lying opposite toe reach, holding extra weights in your hands can help with engaging your oblique muscles more.

6. Heel taps

The next exercise may look less impressive than some of the previous options but the important thing is that heel taps can help you train your obliques. To do heel taps take the following steps:

  1. Lie down on your back with your feet on the ground. Your arms are stretched and by your sides.
  2. Raise your shoulders and push your lower back against the ground with the help of your ab muscles. Keep your neck in line with your upper body.
  3. Slightly turn your upper body to one side and reach with your hand toward the heel of the foot on this side. You can actually tap it as the exercise name implies but the important part is turning your body far enough.
  4. Return to the position in step 2. Try to keep your shoulders off the ground during the exercise.
  5. Repeat step 3 but by turning your body to other side.
  6. Keep tapping each heel alternately.
How to do heel taps

7. Windshield wipers

To do one windshield wiper take the following steps:

  1. Lie down on your back with a 90-degree angle in both your hips and knees. Stretch out our arms to the side for balance.
  2. Slowly tilt your legs sideways to one side as far as comfortable. One side of your hips will come off the ground.
  3. Raise your legs into starting position and repeat the movement on the other side.

Due to the twisting movement, windshield wipers work a wide variety of core muscles including your obliques.

How to do a windshield wiper

8. Spiderman planks

To do two spiderman plank repetitions take the following steps:

  1. Start with your face facing the floor on your elbows and knees.
  2. Move your feet back until your body is in a straight line. This means that your knees will be off the ground and that you are resting on your feet and elbows.
  3. Move one knee outward as far as comfortable and then bring it toward the elbow of the same side as far as comfortable.
  4. Return your leg to the position in step two and repeat the same movement with the opposite leg.

Spiderman planks are a creative alternative to make the regular plank exercise more focused on your oblique muscles.

9. Bird dog crunches

To do a bird dog crunch take the following steps:

  1. Start with your face facing the floor with your hands on the ground, your arms stretched, and your knees on the ground.
  2. Stretch one leg and raise it until it is in a straight line with your body. At the same time stretch the arm of the opposite side and raise it until it is in a straight line with your body. So if you choose your right leg, raise your left arm at the same time.
  3. Lower the raised leg and raised arm again and move the elbow and knee toward and past each other as far as comfortable.
  4. Lower the raised leg and raised arm again in a controlled motion to starting position.
  5. Repeat the same movement with your other leg and other arm.

The bird dog exercise is an exercise that is mainly done to strengthen core muscles. By doing the crunch alternative you engage core muscles like your obliques even more.

10. Side plank rotations

To do a side plank rotation take the following steps:

  1. Sit sideways on the ground leaning on one of your lower arms with the upper arm of that arm vertical to support your upper body.
  2. Walk away from your upper body with your feet until you can put your body in a straight side plank. Point your highest arm in the air.
  3. Slowly move the arm in the air down and under your body as far as comfortable while rotating your upper body. Keep your hips at more or less the same height during this movement.
  4. Return your body into the position of step 2 in a controlled motion.
  5. Repeat the same number of repetitions while leaning on your other arm.

Side plank rotations are a challenging exercise that requires some balance and flexibility. In turn, this can lead to a great workout for your oblique muscles.

How to do a side plank with rotation
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Matt Claes founded Weight Loss Made Practical to help people get in shape and stay there after losing 37 pounds and learning the best of the best about weight loss, health, and longevity for over 4 years. Over these years he has become an expert in nutrition, exercise, and other physical health aspects.