5 Ways To Anchor Your Resistance Bands

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You may have some resistance bands available and know that workouts with them can offer many benefits. Even so, how do you anchor resistance bands?

The first thing your need to know is that you do not need to anchor your resistance bands for all workouts. There are plenty of resistance band exercises you only need the resistance bands themselves and your body for.

That being said being able to anchor your resistance bands for building muscle can definitely open the door to a wide variety of additional exercises.

Always use common sense when trying out the types of anchors below. Make sure the specific anchor you have in mind is suited for using resistance bands.

Additionally, regularly check the anchors and the resistance bands themselves on wear and tear to avoid any accidents.

1. Dedicated wall anchor

The first and generally safest option to anchor resistance bands is a dedicated wall anchor.

This resistance band accessory is basically an attachment you anchor on a sturdy wall. A dedicated wall anchor is a great option if you don’t have a suited door for the more popular door anchors.

Besides being attached firmly to the wall, another benefit of this type of anchor is that the place where the resistance band goes through is usually rounded.

This allows your resistance bands to last longer compared to some of the rougher edges certain anchors may have.

One downside of this option is that it may initially take longer to set up than other options. Another potential downside is that some dedicated wall anchors do not have an adjustable height.

This can lead to a lot of time spent finding and setting up the ideal heights.

In the case that you choose a non-adjustable anchor, most resistance band exercises use either an anchor at floor height, shoulder height, and anchor above head height.

Also keep in mind to attach the dedicated wall anchor to a strong wall, not just drywall, for safety purposes.

Check resistance band wall anchor prices

2. Resistance band door anchor

Resistance band door anchors are a very popular way to anchor resistance bands. Many resistance band sets include one.

This tool is basically a loop with a thick object or knot you can anchor behind the edges of a door. Like all the options in this article, door anchors have both advantages and disadvantages.

The first step to successfully using a resistance band door anchor is finding a suitable door. You need a door that when closed has an opening large enough for the loop to go through. Indoor doors are generally more suited.

The next condition is finding a door where you are either able to do exercises at the side the door closes to or a door that you are able to lock.

This is to avoid someone opening the door while you are exercising which can result in a resistance band flying your way at high speed or you falling.

An advantage of this type of anchor is that it is easy to set up once you have found a good door. It is also no problem to adjust the height of a door anchor.

This tool is also relatively soft on the resistance bands which results in them lasting longer.

As mentioned before door anchors may not be the safest option if you are not careful. They will also wear down over time, especially if your door has sharp edges.

It may be smart to regularly check your door anchor to avoid any accidents.

Check resistance band door anchor prices

3. Other indoor objects

Dedicated resistance band anchors are generally recommended but depending on the objects around your house you may have other things you can anchor to.

The message here is rather safe than sorry. If you are not sure whether something would be a safe resistance band anchor you may want to avoid any risks and get yourself an inexpensive dedicated anchor.

Also keep in mind that some objects are not as safe as they seem at first. Door handles, unstable objects, corners of furniture, etc. can all come loose unexpectedly with potentially grave consequences.

For most objects, any potential risk is just not worth the small investment in a safer alternative.

That being said, there are some objects that qualify as good resistance band anchors anyway. Some potential examples include heavy workout equipment, wall or ceiling-mounted pull-up bars, any strong pillars, etc.

A small advantage of this type of anchor is saving a few dollars.

A potential disadvantage not yet discussed is that some of these objects have rough edges. To avoid damage to your resistance band you may want to wrap something like a towel around the object before anchoring.

4. Outdoor objects

You can also take your resistance bands outside to find objects to anchor to. From a certain standpoint, these objects are usually safer than indoor objects since they are made to resist stormy weather conditions and theft.

That being said, the message is again rather safe than sorry. If you are not sure whether an anchor would be safe you may want to avoid any risks and look for another option.

Some potential examples of outdoor anchors include machines in workout parks, park benches, trees, etc.

A small advantage is again saving a few dollars. But also getting more sunlight and fresh air which many people could use more of in modern times.

Keep in mind that outdoor objects may have rough edges. To avoid damage to your resistance band you may want to wrap something like a towel around the object before anchoring.

With outdoor anchors, you are also dependent on the weather conditions. Most people don’t enjoy doing resistance band exercises in the rain.

5. Partner

If you want your workouts to be precise with the same predictable resistance every time, this last option is not for you.

That being said, if you don’t take your workouts too seriously and value having a good time with friends you can give this “anchor” a try anyway.

You can either ask a friend to be your anchor or even try to do the same exercise but in opposite directions.

An added benefit is the accountability you get from working out with other people. The obvious downside is that it may be a challenge to get synchronized enough for a good resistance band workout.

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Matt Claes founded Weight Loss Made Practical to help people get in shape and stay there after losing 37 pounds and learning the best of the best about weight loss, health, and longevity for over 4 years. Over these years he has become an expert in nutrition, exercise, and other physical health aspects.