TrueForm Trainer Vs AssaultRunner In Detail

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Manual treadmills offer a variety of advantages. You may be stuck between the TrueForm Trainer and the Assault Runner Pro. Find out what the best choice is for your personal situation.

The main differences between the TrueForm Trainer and the Assault Runner Pro are that the TrueForm Trainer is slightly sturdier, has a different feel, and currently has a parts warranty that is two years longer.

Besides these things, the AssaultRunner Pro has a better monitor with workout programs, has a different feel, and is a good amount more budget-friendly.

Unless you really like the feeling, parts warranty, and sturdiness of the TrueForm Trainer, you will likely prefer the better monitor and lower price of the AssaultRunner Pro.

It is hard to make general statements about what most people prefer in terms of feel. Later in the article, you can find how users experience each manual treadmill in more detail.

Lastly, if you really want to take sturdiness one level higher, want to customize your running surface, and have the budget for it, you could even consider investing in the TrueForm Runner.

Most important differences TrueForm Trainer vs AssaultRunner

The TrueForm Trainer and AssaultRunner Pro are both the more budget-friendly versions of the brands’ manual treadmills. These options do still vary in many features.

Some of these differences are more important than others. In the table below, you get a quick overview of some of the most important ones.

Keep in mind that if you want something like the AssaultRunner Pro but with a weight limit that is slightly higher and longer warranties, the AssaultRunner Elite could be the right choice for you.

FeatureTrueForm TrainerAssaultRunner Pro
Weight Limit400 Pounds (181 kg)350 Pounds (158 kg)
General Tread
Feeling From Users
“Lighter, Better For Long Distances,
Feels Like Road Running”
“Heavier, Good For Sprints,
Feels Less Like Actual Road Running”
MonitorLimited Battery LCD Screen With Pace, Speed,
Distance, Time, And Heart Rate (Bluetooth
Measuring Device Not Included)
Battery LCD Screen With Pace, Speed,
Distance, Time, And Heart Rate (Bluetooth
Measuring Device Not Included)
Warranties5 Years Frame, Parts, And Components
Warranty, 1 Year Labor Warranty
5 Years Frame Warranty, 3 Years Moving Parts
Warranty, 150,000 Miles Belt Warranty
Overall Sturdiness
& Material Quality
Heavy DutySolid But Slightly Less So
Built-In Training
No4 Workout Program Types
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Most important differences TrueForm Trainer vs AssaultRunner Pro

Other features TrueForm Trainer and AssaultRunner

The TrueForm Trainer and AssaultRunner Pro also have smaller differences and common features. You may also be interested in these before making a decision between the two.

FeatureTrueForm TrainerAssaultRunner Pro
Running Surface54″ x 17″Not Precisely Mentioned
(Longer Treadmill Length Overall)
Curve BeltSomewhat FlatterMore Curved
Dimensions64” L x 31” W x 63” H69.9” L x 31.7” W x 64.4” H
Weight280 Pounds (127 kg)289.2 Pounds (131.2 kg)
Transport WheelsYes, Hard PlasticYes, Hard Plastic (With
Carry Handle On Other End)
Small Height AdjustersYesYes
Location Monitor BatteryBehind The ScreenBehind The Screen
FrameSteelSolid Steel
Cover MaterialPlastic CoverPlastic Cover
Number Of Bearings112 Sealed Steel Ball Bearings100 Precision Ball Bearings
Tread (Belt) Surface
Molded Thermoplastic ElastomerNot Mentioned
PulleysInjection Molded PolymerNot Mentioned
Heart Rate MonitorDisplay On Screen With Your
Own Bluetooth Measuring Device
Display On Screen With Your
Own Bluetooth Measuring Device
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Other features TrueForm Trainer vs AssaultRunner Pro

Differences TrueForm Trainer vs AssaultRunner in-depth

Individuals who know a lot about manual treadmills features and know what they want may be able to make a decision with the help of the differences overview and a quick look at the prices.

On the other hand, you could also be unsure about what certain features mean and to what extent they should influence your decision.

In a situation like that, it can be helpful to look at the more in-depth explanations below.

Overall sturdiness and weight limit

Before looking at all other feature differences between the TrueForm Trainer and AssaultRunner you have to make sure each treadmill can deal with the pressure you intend to put it under.

Both the TrueForm Trainer and AssaultRunner are steel constructions with a plastic cover. Even so, due to other material choices and construction, the Trueform Trainer is just a bit sturdier.

The mentioned user weight limit for the TrueForm Trainer is 400 pounds (181 kg). For the AssaultRunner Pro, this is 350 pounds (158 kg).

Even if the individuals who will use the treadmills are nowhere near these numbers, they do give some indication of how the TrueForm Trainer and AssaultRunner Pro compare in sturdiness.

Most individuals will find the AssaultRunner Pro more than good enough too but if want to play it safe in this area, it may be smarter to choose the TrueForm Trainer or potentially the more deluxe TrueForm Runner.

Winner: TrueForm Trainer

General tread feeling from users

Even if you know that the AssaultRunner Pro is more curved than the TrueForm Trainer and what materials and constructions are used in each treadmill, you likely do not have too much of an idea about how it feels to run on them.

In this situation, user comments can be helpful. First of all, these users tend to find the AssaultRunner Pro belt heavier and longer than the belt of the TrueForm Trainer.

Some people mention that these things make it so the AssaultRunner Pro feels better for sprints where you use bigger strides. On the other hand, some users find the TrueForm treadmills more convenient for longer distances.

Additionally, there are mentions that the TrueForm treadmills feel more like running on the road than the AssaultRunner Pro.

Something to note is that the heavier belt of the AssaultRunner Pro tends to stay in motion more due to the extra momentum. You have to be careful when slowing down and potentially have to step off the belt.

Another thing users mention a lot is that they feel the TrueForm treadmills guide them towards forefoot running. This can be helpful to internalize this running technique but can be challenging initially.

On the other hand, the AssaultRunner Pro is generally more forgiving for other running techniques like heel strike and midfoot landing.

These things are not necessarily better or worse for every single individual. You may prefer the feel of either the TrueForm Runner or AssaultRunner Pro because of your running technique, training program, and personal preferences.

Winner: Depends on personal situation and preferences


Treadmills generally come with some type of monitor or screen to show things like speed, distance traveled, time, etc.

Both the TrueForm Trainer and the AssaultRunner Pro have these more basic features and a way to connect a heart rate measuring device to the screen through Bluetooth.

That being said, the monitor of the AssaultRunner Pro is definitely more pleasant on the eye and more convenient to use than the one from the Trueform Trainer.

Additionally, the AssaultRunner Pro comes with a few workout types built-in. These include quick start, intervals, targets (of for example distance), and competition mode.

In short, most people will prefer the monitor of the AssaultRunner Pro.

How much you value these differences between the monitors depends on things like personal preferences and how you approach your treadmill training.

Winner: AssaultRunner Pro


The exact feature differences between the TrueForm Trainer and the AssaultRunner Pro are not the only things that matter. For most people, the prices will matter to at least some extent too.

Exactly how much of a difference there is depends on things like where you buy your manual treadmills and can change over time.

However, at the time of writing, the AssaultRunner Pro is a good amount more budget-friendly than the TrueForm Trainer.

Unless you really care about the feel, parts warranty, and extra sturdiness of the TrueForm Trainer, the AssaultRunner Pro is likely more worth it.

If you don’t care too much about price, want an even sturdier manual treadmill with different running surface options, and want long warranties, you can even consider the TrueForm Runner.

Winner: AssaultRunner Pro

User reviews

Comparing the TrueForm Trainer and AssaultRunner Pro in terms of features and price is a helpful way to get an idea about what manual treadmill would be the best one for you.

Even so, it is also often helpful to take a look at the customer reviews. Sometimes these uncover unexpected downsides and quality issues.

First of all, how users experience each treadmill is discussed in the previous “general tread feeling from users” section.

Besides that, customers of both the TrueForm Trainer and AssaultRunner Pro tend to be very happy.

Something to note is that there are just a few more mentions about slow shipping and quality control issues in the AssaultRunner Pro reviews. Not in crazy amounts but enough to deserve a mention.

Generally speaking, people tend to be extremely satisfied with their investments in these high-quality manual treadmills.

Is the TrueForm Trainer or AssaultRunner right for you?

In short, the TrueForm Trainer is slightly sturdier, has a different feel, and currently has a parts warranty that is two years longer.

The AssaultRunner Pro has a better monitor with workout programs, has a different feel, and is a good amount more budget-friendly.

Most people will prefer to save some money with the AssaultRunner Pro and prefer its higher-quality monitor. Some potential exceptions to this are if you really like the feel, parts warranty, and sturdiness of the TrueForm Trainer.

If you want a manual treadmill with even more sturdiness, a customizable running surface, and very long warranties, you could even consider the TrueForm Runner if you have the budget for it.

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Matt Claes founded Weight Loss Made Practical to help people get in shape and stay there after losing 37 pounds and learning the best of the best about weight loss, health, and longevity for over 4 years. Over these years he has become an expert in nutrition, exercise, and other physical health aspects.