The 17 Best Exercises For Fast Weight Loss

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Losing the weight can feel like an eternity. Working out and in particular these 17 exercises for fast weight loss can speed up the process.

By moving more or more intensely you can make your body burn more energy.

Body fat is basically excess stored energy. If the food you eat is not sufficient to provide enough energy your body turns towards body fat.

Doing the right kind of exercise can help you lose more weight with less effort.

How fast are we talking?

You can use different kinds of exercise depending on your goals. The main question is how fast do you want to lose it?

If you’re looking for long term weight loss, weight lifting is probably your best bet. The extra muscle mass you build burns extra calories for you 24/7.

If you’re looking for faster results in a shorter time-frame, 30 minutes, you’re at the right place.

Here are the x best exercises for fast weight loss.

17 Best exercises for fast weight loss

The following numbers are an estimation of the amount of calories burned by a 155 pound person doing the exercises for 30 minutes.

This amount varies depending on all kinds of different factors, including height, weight, gender, activity levels,…

Every one of these exercises can be done intensely and less intensely. In general, the more intense and the longer you do the exercise the more calories you will burn.

1. Running

While running might not be the most original exercise it is a great one.

Here are a few numbers that can get you a better view on how many calories you will burn at what speeds (if you are a 155 pound person):

  • Running at 10 mph (/16 kmh) burns around 614 calories if you do it for 30 minutes
  • Running at 6.7 mph (/10.7 kmh) burns around 409 calories if you do it for 30 minutes
  • Running at 5 mph (/8 kmh) burns around 298 calories if you do it for 30 minutes

One of the great things about running is that it’s very convenient to do. All you need is a pair of shoes and some exercising clothes and you’re off to the races.

Running in nature can also have a soothing mental effect.

running as exercise for fast weight loss

2. Cycling

Cycling can be done both in the gym and on the road, for example to work.

Here are some numbers that can get you a better view on how many calories you will burn at what speeds (if you are a 155 pound person):

  • Cycling at >20 mph (/32 kmh) burns around 614 calories if you do it for 30 minutes
  • Cycling at 14-15.9 mph (/22.5-25.6 kmh) burns around 372 calories if you do it for 30 minutes
  • Cycling at 12-13.9 mph (/19-22.4 kmh) burns around 298 calories if you do it for 30 minutes

One of the advantages of cycling is that it’s beginner-friendly. Almost anyone can hop on their bike and go for a ride.

Another advantage of cycling is that it’s less hard on your body, in particular your knees.

3. Handball

Apparently handball is a great calorie burner. 30 minutes can help you burn around 446 calories.

When you think about it, it’s not that hard to imagine. It’s a sport with a lot of sprinting and you use your whole body.

This exercise is a bit less convenient to do since you rely on other people to be able to play a game. Handball can also be more rough for your body than other kinds of exercise.

4. Swimming

Swimming is great for weight loss for multiple reasons.

First of all, the exercise alone can be a great 30 minute workout session. Swimming in crawl and butterfly can burn around 409 calories if you’re a 155 pound person.

In terms of movement different swimming styles have slightly different numbers.

A second way swimming can help you burn extra calories is if you swim in low(er) temperature water. The cold water can increase the production of brown fat compared to white fat. Brown fat burns more calories than white fat which again helps you with your weight loss journey.

swimming as exercise for fast weight loss

5. Rock climbing

This is most likely not the most popular exercise. However, if you’re looking for a weekend activity that burns some extra calories rock climbing might need to be on the to-do list.

A 155 pound person would burn around 409 calories by doing 30 minutes of rock climbing.

It’s not hard to imagine why it’s such a good exercise. You’re using a lot of muscles all over your body almost every minute.

6. Jumping rope

Back to a more convenient kind of exercise for fast weight loss. Jumping rope almost doesn’t take any preparation. You don’t even need shoes!

Basically all you need is a rope and you can start burning 372 calories in the next 30 minutes.

One downside of this exercise is that all the jumping can be a bit rough on the knees. Certainly if you’re carrying a few extra pounds.

rope jumping for fast weight loss

7. Martial arts

Learning to defend yourself can also be beneficial for your weight loss journey.

Martial arts like judo, karate, and kickboxing can help you burn an extra 372 in the next half hour if you’re a 155-pound person.

8. Aerobics

Aerobics, the workout where you combine rhythmic aerobic exercise with flexibility exercises, is another great option. Some people really appreciate the variability from it.

Aerobics can help you burn around 372 calories in 30 minutes. Make sure you put your best foot forward.

9. Hockey

Hockey, both field and ice, can be a fun way to burn extra calories with friends.

This exercise burns around 298 calories for every half hour you do it.

10. Basketball

Another great sport to burn extra calories with friends and family.

The popular exercise basketball can help you burn an extra 298 calories every 30 minutes.

basketball as exercise for fast weight loss

11. Tennis

The short sprints and usage of the upper body make a round of tennis a great weight loss workout.

You can expect to burn around 260 calories for half an hour of tennis.

12. Soccer

If you manage to find enough people to play with soccer can be great if you’re looking to lose some weight and have fun at the same time.

Obviously some people run a bit more around the playing field but you can expect to burn around 260 calories every 30 minutes.

13. Rollerblading

Finally another exercise you can do on your own. It’s true that you can’t do it as easily everywhere as, let’s say, running. It is pretty great if you do find a place to do it.

Rollerblading can get you 260 calories closer to your weight loss goals if you do it for half an hour.

14. Racquetball

Not one of the most convenient exercises on this fast weight loss list but a great one if you can align the stars.

Racquetball can help you burn around 260 calories every 30 minutes if you’re a 155 pound person.

15. Wrestling

Back to a more physical contact heavy exercise, wrestling.

A 155-pound person wrestling for half an hour can expect to burn around 223 calories.

16. Fencing

This exercise is not one a lot of people are likely to pick up but it still deserves a spot on this list of exercises for fast weight loss.

You can expect to burn around 223 calories for every 30 minutes fencing.

17. Dancing

Dancing might speak more to most people.

It can help you burn an extra 205 calories every half hour.

girl dancing

Exercises for the most long-term weight loss

The exercises above are for the most calorie burning in the next 30 minutes.

If you’re looking to burn more calories in the long term you need to look at weight lifting exercises. This list of the 26 best weight loss exercises can provide you with some ideas.

Muscle helps you burn more calories every minute of every day. It’s extremely helpful for long term weight loss.

If you want to speed up the process even more you can add some cardio exercises too. Extra muscle will also increase the amount of calories you burn with other workouts.

Is working out 30 minutes a day enough to lose weight?

You might wonder whether 30 minutes of exercising is enough to reach your weight loss goals.

The answer is certainly. You can even lose weight without exercising.

Exercise is just one part of your health. It does provide awesome health benefits but you can lose weight without it. You just have to focus more on other aspects of your health.

How much should I exercise to lose weight fast?

The optimal amount of exercise varies from person to person. Different factors like previous activity levels, weight, health,… influence how much exercise is right for you.

Too much exercise can have the reverse effect. However, most people don’t come very close to this.

If you’re just starting out you can begin with half an hour a day of just regular walking and build up from there.

If you’re a bit better in shape you can work your way up to an hour a day or more.

Again, different people have different exercise needs. Listen to your body and talk to your primary medical provider when in doubt.

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Matt Claes founded Weight Loss Made Practical to help people get in shape and stay there after losing 37 pounds and learning the best of the best about weight loss, health, and longevity for over 4 years. Over these years he has become an expert in nutrition, exercise, and other physical health aspects.